Om foreningen
Foreningen Bluegrass Music Denmark arrangerer og afholder koncerter i København med såvel danske som udenlandske bluegrass-bands.
Koncerterne afholdes i Karens Minde Kulturhus, Wagnersvej 19, 2450 København SV.
Se programmet under Koncertkalender.
Facebook gruppe: Bluegrass Music Denmark
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(send os en mail eller skriv dig på til koncerter eller jams).
Bluegrass Music Denmark er afhængig af støtte fra staten og Københavns Kommune.
Støtten får vi bl.a. baseret på vores medlemstal - så meld dig ind i foreningen!
Det koster 150 kr pr år og giver rabat til koncerterne. Se mere information under Medlemskab i menuen.
Welcome to Bluegrass Music Denmark's website.
The organization arranges and conducts concerts in Copenhagen featuring Danish and foreign bluegrass bands.
See our concert schedule here.
All the concerts are held in the Karens Minde Culture House, Wagnersvej 19, 2450 Copenhagen SV.
Our concerts are normally held on Friday evenings at 8:00 pm and are open to all,
no reservations or pre-sale of tickets needed.
The concerts take place in a comfortable concert/café atmosphere, where beer, wine, soft drinks, coffee, and light snacks are available.
Ticket prices for normal concerts are 120 Danish Kroner for non-members, 100 Danish Kroner for BMD members.
BMD membership is 150 Danish Kroner per year and includes discounts at all concerts.
If you would like to be informed about upcoming events, you can join our mailing list - send us a mail!